Tribute from the Grandchildren - Richard, Leyan, Kimberley, Ben, Ryen, Callun & Kai

Created by talk2leyan 2 years ago
While sitting down to write a tribute for Our Grandfather, we as the Grandchildren, seemed to all be drawn to thinking of our childhood memories.

We remember being at Grandad & Grandma's house, sitting on Grandad's knee, playing on the swing out in the garden, watching him tend the garden, we remember the pear tree and how he showed us when the pears were ready or not. We remember him smiling at our grandmother.

And of course we all remember the games! 

Scrabble and all the words he would and wouldn't recognise...Dominoes, who can forget dominoes! And apparently some of us have the privilege of having won a game or two against him. That's an amazing achievement I can tell you.

We remember worships and singing hymns with Grandad. He always seemed to love hymns. And through the years we've all seen how much the words of those songs meant to Grandad (even if he didn't always interpret the lyrics the same way we did...he would just chuckle...). His faith was strong and it passionately meant so much to him...right til the end he always had a word of thanksgiving and praise to God. 

We've seen how Grandad always remained strong...and that strength seemed to be physical, mental, and spiritual. Even as his age grew in number, he had a strong handshake, a keen mind, and an unwavering faith. 

He always tried to have a positive spin for things.

What an inspiration. 

And what a laugh too. We remember that smile, those chuckles, those times of booming laughter, so hearty and so welcoming.

Some of us as Grandkids have had the privilege of staying with grandad after University or at other times when he needed a little help etc. 

And we remember those days with such fondness.

Whether it was sharing our pizza with him, helping him with the shopping, or sitting down for quiet chats. He was laid back and friendly, and always had a word of wisdom. 

And though for all of us our experiences and our personal memories have their varied nuances, we all share the sense that our Grandfather was such a man of integrity. He was a man of poise. He was a man of honour. He was a man to look up to, even unto the end. A great work ethic, a generous heart, a positive attitude, and a heart of Praise, where the name of God was never far from his lips.

We remember Grandad and Grandma's house so fondly, because together they were an extention of home, and Grandad was a large part of that welcoming atmosphere. 

And through all the changes that life brings, we're so glad Grandad kept his wonderful warm attributes with him.

What an example for us all.

And then of course seeing Mum with Grandad was wonderful too.

Her patience, her dedication, her devoted heart of love is a testament to the parents who raised her, and also to what true love can do. Mummy we thank you so much for everything that you've done for our Grandad and we love you more deeply for it. Thank you for being a living example of service and love in action. 

And now as we say goodbye to Grandad for now.

We remember fondly all our cherished memories.

And we look forward with expectation, and with peace and comfort to the great family reunion when we hear that wonderful chuckle, feel those strong arms, and see that smiling face once again. 

Good night Grandad. 

We've learnt a lot from you.

We'll miss you.

But we'll see you in the morning."